Saturday, February 4, 2012

Moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches......

Yes, I know, I didn't post all of my photos from the January Photo a day thingy......
I kind of had other things happening..

Remember this post here ?
Well it's happened.  We've bought a country bakery and we are moving up there in 2 weeks.
Panic anyone?!?!

It's a very long story as to why its taken so long to go through and I'm not going to bore you with the details, just know that God's hand is on it and I'm slowly getting excited.
We have to find somewhere to live out there which is the part that is stressing me out - I'm imagining how 2 adults, 2 kids and a shitzu will go sleeping on the floor of a bakery? Not.

Lessons learned,

* I am a control freak, and this is not always a good thing.

* I've learned that I can trust my husband - see above lesson!

* I have some of the most wonderful friends on this planet, and I won't lose them just by moving an hour and a half away.........

To all of those amazing friends who have let me whinge and cry but also guided, supported and encouraged me - THANK YOU!!  You know who you are.
(One of you suggested I change my blog title to "The Baker's Wife")

I will keep blogging this journey and let you all know how we go.
Pray for us.



  1. i like ur post.becz i got lol of information from ur blog. Pittsburgh Super Movers

  2. Very Exciting for you all....hope you do let us follow along with the journey here.xx

  3. Eeeek good luck with your move hun! I can't wait to hear all of your news soon. Keep us "posted" (total pun intended ;0P ) Hugs Kat xx

  4. wow, lots of changes but how exciting xxx

  5. Aaaahhh. I still can't bear thinking about this all yet.
    But I love that you are on such an adventure already, and I love that you may be extra miles away, but in heart-distance, as close as ever!
    And yes, I still think you should change your blog name to The Baker's Wife!
    Love you my Ruby Rose!
