Ever gone to work and actually seen what he does day to day?
I met Marc when he was a kiln operator at the brickworks factory and certainly didn't go and watch him bake bricks.
Then about 5 years ago we started our own Handyman Service - doing mostly cleaning, gardening, repairs etc. To be really honest, it wasn't the most romantic of businesses........
He was getting restless, bored and totally exhausted. Plus the added downfall of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, to get paid by the companies we did jobs for. It was time for a change.
When Marc was 14 he started his apprenticeship as a Baker/Pastry Cook and worked in the industry for about 20 years, including many years as Bakery Manager in one of the big chain supermarkets.
He always said he'd only go back to baking if he was doing it for himself - not a company.
Well as you all reading this blog know by now - that's exactly what he's doing!
And I for one am so very proud of him.

Making puff pastry

Viennese biscuits

Meat pies of many different varieties

My favourite - mushroom pie (best ever in my opinion!)

Family quiches
Yep - he's been a busy little cookie this week getting ready for tomorrows opening.
I've never seen him in this environment before though, this is all new to me and it's like a fresh look at this awesome man I married.
He's practising his trade, his gift, his passion - and I'm watching along with such respect and admiration.
I'm seeing him in his element and my heart is welling with a new found pride for him.
He's the man!!