Saturday, February 5, 2011

Newly named

We have given one of our choooks a name.
My 10 year old has been nagging me to name them since we got them, but I'm not really into that, although we did nickname one "George" as in Curious George because she is always the first to greet us and run to us, the first to tilt her head and see what we are doing. But we have now named the lightest one with the fluffiest bum "Joy". (Apologies to anyone with that as their name, including my aunty). Here is why.

Two days ago hubby informed me we had a sick chook, she was staggering like she'd had a few drinks, gasping and carrying on a bit. By the late afternoon we noticed she was going downhill pretty quickly and decided to take her away from the others to die in peace. We scoured Google for advice and one of the possibilities was that she may have been egg bound and the remedy was to give her a warm bath! She lay there weakly and I pretty much resigned myself to digging a hole... The kids and I gave her a cuddle and prayed that she would get better, popped her in a washing basket with some towels and left her for the night.

I made sure I was up first yesterday as I didn't fancy the kids finding another feathered body in the laundry (Miss 10's Christmas present canary carked it a few weeks ago and she discovered it......) BUT - rejoice! There she was clucking away at me in her basket, standing on both feet much better and most certainly not dead! A warm bath can do wonders can't it?

Praise the Lord for answered prayers - even for chickens!

Now let's just hope there are no more near death experiences for us to name the others.....


  1. Linda you're an all round mumma! To chooks and children alike! xxx

  2. I love that you have chooks! I want chooks! & I love that I've found your blog! your words read so far are perfect! x

  3. Aww - thanks Mickey! And Stace...
    This whole blogging thing is still new to me, but I'm enjoying the journey so far!!!

