Sunday, February 27, 2011

Green, green grass of home

On my Facebook profile is a section that asks what my favourite quote is, I've written
"The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence, it's greenest where you water it the most."  I don't remember where I first heard it, probably at church, but I totally believe it.

I was talking to a woman I recently met who had left her hubby and was bringing up her kids on her own as "it just wasn't working anymore."  This breaks my heart.
Having gone through a divorce many years ago and knowing what that feels like I so wanted to encourage her, but as she was a stranger I hesitated....... I shouldn't have.

Not wanting to repeat what I posted here but my favourite quote is so true, especially when it comes to marriage.  If it's "not working" ~ DO SOMETHING to make it work!  Water it! Fertilise it!

My vegies need fertiliser, plenty of poo and compost to make them thrive.
There's no denying that often in our marriages there is plenty of poo isn't there?  There are times when you just want to throw some poo his way (usually verbally) and there are times when life just stinks, but it's what you do with it that makes all the difference.  I could, in my garden, leave the manure and the compost in one big pile to rot and smell (though I don't think the neighbours would appreciate it!) or I could spread it out, dig it in and plant some seeds resulting in harvest...
In my marriage, I can let irritations fester in one little corner of my thoughts, or - I can dig them over, plant some seeds of forgiveness and love and let those ones grow.
It's my choice.

I can look at my spunk through my own magnifying glass eyes and see every one of his faults and closely study them, or I can look through God's eyes and see hubby as a child of the Most High, the apple of His eye, fearfully and wonderfully made!
I can look at him through Shallow Hal's eyes and see who he truly is......


  1. I love the TRUTH of this post and how it can be applied to every relationship we have :)

  2. Oh I love you girl! So real & so true xx

  3. I love this, love it!
    Love your blog posts, and wait expectantly for the next... hint, hint ;)
