Monday, January 17, 2011

Little Foxes

It's no real secret that I enjoy my garden. To me, sitting and enjoying my morning cuppa on my bench and checking out how much my plants have grown overnight is a big good morning kiss from heaven.
However - general busyness, hot or cold weather, work, or just slack times often means that my dreamy little "Better Homes and Gardens" ideal looks more like "Backyard Blitz" before they start..! Usually when this happens it means rolling up the sleeves and getting down and dirty. It also usually means that I'm gonna end up aching all over for a few days too. Every time I swear to myself that "if only I did just a little bit everyday.........."

Marriage is sooo like my garden - well mine is anyway.
If I fertilise with loving words, water with kindness and encouragement and sow seeds of selflessness then I'm going to harvest those in return.
When I am diligent I try to pull out the little weeds of attitude everyday, prune back the clever comebacks (and I have a few good ones up my sleeve!), dead head the selfishness, uproot the discontent and "catch all the little foxes before they ruin the vineyard of my love" Song of Solomon 2:15.

But I'm not as diligent as I'd like to be...

I see my pastors marriage and to me that is a fruitful, blossoming, healthy marriage - it is a "Better Homes" garden. I'm sure they have weeds, but they pick them out early and don't let them grow into big "Jack and the Beanstalk" arguments which are harder to uproot and hurt pulling out.

To have a lush, fruitful garden takes time and effort, but the harvest and rewards are worth it - how much more worth it is marriage?
Think it's time I pulled on the garden gloves and sharpened up the secateurs, and got down and dirty.......


  1. I love your beautiful analogies, love the pearls of wisdom, especially: "fertilise with loving words, water with kindness and encouragement and sow seeds of selflessness then I'm going to harvest those in return"
    Love, love YOU! :)

  2. Love it! Love you! A great post beautiful girl x
