Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day 2011

I know, I know, everyone has done their Mothers Day posts and mine is a day late - but this one is SPECIAL. It's got photos!!


Exactly what I needed/wanted. Oh how well he knows me.

And this from Miss 10

E = enormous...!

So I guess the gym isn't working then? (Nor the homeschooling spelling lessons - enoughmus??)

Plus - yay! Brekky in bed

I am one blessed Mum!

Hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day, and when I can get the flopping computer to work I'll link up full credit to the lovely friend who took some time out today to show me how to do photos.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You are blessed indeed :)


  2. Special it is...and so are you my lovely friend! xxx
