I heard Lucas calling "Muuuum" in a tone that no mother wants to hear and this is what I saw...

Yep, that is a STICK piercing my child's chest. It goes all the way in to where his tank top is sitting.
He was pretty freaked out - um actually we all were!
We had to call emergency services as the nearest hospital is 30mins away in the next country town. They were amazing. They sent out an ambulance to stabilise him and they deployed the rescue chopper to air-lift him to Royal Perth Hospital.

Guess who went with him?

Yep, me. (The pilot took the pic and told me to "smile" - can you tell by the clenched hands I wasn't smiling on the inside?) Now guess who suffers REALLY badly with motion sickness?? Me again!
Mind you I was too busy stressing out about my son.....

Choppers are loud, very loud. But we got to Perth very quickly and before I knew it I was in a waiting room and Lucas was off. They x-rayed him to see how far it had gone in and made sure it hadn't hit any vital organs or arteries and then removed the stick.

It had gone in a nice 3-4 inches - good work Lucas.
After quite a few hours in a very busy hospital he was heading home. Wound flushed out and sutured and him pumped with painkillers and anti-biotics.
My wonderful parents had met us in Perth and drove us all the way back home.
Here's the important parts.
As soon as this all happened I knew what to do, stay calm. Call 000, explain clearly, don't panic etc. But I also knew there was a need for something far greater.
Here's where I get bold about my faith in God. I was praying, but I was in 'Mummy' mode so I needed others. I rang my Mum, my best friend in my hometown and a new friend up here. Gave them a brief description and asked for prayer. Within minutes people in both towns were lifting up my son in prayer trusting and believing that nothing had been ruptured or damaged and that he would be healed by the Master Healer.
Our pastors called us from ROME to let us know they were praying and how much they love us.
We were overwhelmed with txt messages and facebook posts supporting and praying for us.
Let me say quite clearly - prayer works. The doctors all told me that "he's a very lucky boy". Any higher and the stick could have gone in his throat, any lower, his heart and any deeper, his lungs.
I am so thankful for God's protection over my family. For His divine blessing on our lives. For His peace that enveloped me all of yesterday.
I am so grateful for loving friends and family who care for us. My parents, Marc's parents, the owners of the pub who gave Mum n Dad a room for the night and refused to charge them (we had no beds), the new friend who bought dinner over for us this afternoon and the one who came bearing chocolates and gifts and hugs tonight.
We feel so loved guys.
Thank you all and Praise Jesus.
Wow babe! We serve an awesome God! I'm so glad he's ok. What an adventure & one you don't want a repeat of, that's for sure! It's great knowing you are surrounded by love no matter the distance. Luv you x