Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Favourite

No question here. This is my favourite.

My gorgeous hubby

This hottie got down on one knee about 6 years ago and told me he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life without me and my children.
How could I say no to that?
He was everything I'd prayed for - someone who would love me and love my kids as his own.
I said yes and so 2 became 1 which then equalled 7 - him and his 3, me and my 2.
That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch!!!

5 and a half years on I love this man more and more everyday. (Ok, so there are days that I love him a little less, but that's marriage right..... Right???)

You are my favourite Marc and I love you.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - what makes you smile

The kids passed their swimming lessons, that made me relieved.
Hubby is away at his parents in the country for a few days, that makes me sleep well.
My vegie patch is chock full of produce, that makes me happy.

What makes me smile?

She does

The giggling gal on the left is my sister.
She cracks me up!
Everything is much funnier with her - jokes are better, silly is sillier and laughs are louder.
She has the most infectious laugh and all around her have to join in.
Yep - this is what make me smile.

I love you Dee.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 - something you wore

Do I post a photo of what I wore today? Heck no!!!!
Second last day of swimming lessons, muggy day swimming and lazing around at the pools = no chance of showing the world me in my bathers - no, no, no.

So here is something I ONCE wore (about 41 years ago)

This lovely 'vintage' number was tucked away with some other precious mementos that Mum has kept over the years. I'm wishing she had brought it out when Miss 11 was a baby though.

Love that my Mum keeps some things. She's certainly not a hoarder, but the precious and meaningful items she stores carefully away.
I'm the opposite - if I don't need it, use it or love it - out it goes. I've had times where I regret letting something go (like a whole storage box of sewing patterns - grrr, kicking myself for that).
Never mind.
Glad that Mum kept this one.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Letterbox

When I saw that today's theme was 'Letterbox/mailbox' I was a bit down... I seriously have the most dull, boring letterbox out and truly didn't want to post a photo of it for all the world to see.
I pondered what to post then popped over to Mum & Dad's for a visit. There it was

My parent's letterbox.
It's been out the front of their home for 41 years. I remember being little and getting excited whenever the postie (mailman) came - maybe he had a letter for ME!!
I remember waiting by it to get picked up for sports and getting dropped off next to it late at night after a teenage night out with friends.
I've sent cards to it, checked it for Mum & Dad whenever they've gone away.
My Great Grandfather wrote many letters delivered to it in his beautiful spidery handwriting. My 87 year old Grandma still sends letters to it.

This is my favourite letterbox - it's home.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Photo a day challenge

I've been rather slack on the blogging lately, but super busy in real life!
Will post some pics of what has been occupying me later.

I'm slightly addicted to Instagram and was inspired to do the January photo a day challenge (I think it was originally set by a blogger, but I discovered it on Instagram). A themed pic every day posted to Instagram or your blog or whatever else you like! For those of my friends on Instagram, I apologise for the doubling up.....
Here goes,

Day 1 - a photo of me, no make up, dripping wet at the pools, with my beloved pulling faces next to me!

Day 2 - breakfast, now I was a little late with this one, so here's a photo of the breakfast dishes.....

Day 3 - something I adore. This was tricky. Do I post hubby? My bible? Jesus? Chocolate? Hmmmm. Then, these 2 were playing so nicely and laughing together after swimming lessons today that it was obvious - they are my blessings and I adore them.
