Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One of a kind

My wonderful Grandpa passed away on Friday evening.

He lived an amazing life for 89 years. He and Grandma would've celebrated their 67th anniversary next month.

They have 5 children.

15 grandchildren and a whopping 29 great-grandchildren.

I would say a life well lived.

My Mum, sister and I have flown over to be with Grandma for a few days in the home that they've lived in for 63 years.

This house contains oh so many memories!

The "mysteries" of Grandma and Grandpa's house still come alive for me even now.

My Grandpa was the most incredibly skilled carpenter.

Everything in this home has been made by him - from cleverly designed cupboards to ornately carved mirrors, ball and claw feet on lamp stands and matching side tables for their lounge chairs. There is nothing he hasn't thought of!

My sister and I were in his workshed yesterday looking for the vacuum cleaner. We stayed in that shed for ages.... It smells like Grandpa.

It's full of tools and gadgets and bits and pieces - tins with nails, little cupboards with tiny boxes and I'm betting Grandpa knew exactly what was in every single one of them.

When they built this home Grandpa planted some fruit trees. The peach and the apricot are STILL fruiting 64 years later.

(check out the thick trunk!)

Every year Grandma and Grandpa dry, stew, bottle and preserve fruit so they can eat them year round. Ok, so there are more dried apricots in Grandma's pantry than I've ever seen but they are better than ANY you'll buy in the shops. (My sister and I have slightly gorged ourselves and are suffering the windy consequences!!!)

Both of my Grandparents are "old-school". They make the most of everything. Reuse and recycle aren't new buzz words for them - it's been a way of life forever.

If Grandma needed something fixed, Grandpa could fix it AND improve it.

No, they don't throw much away. And yes, they have a bit of clutter. But they've had a full life and have lived every minute of it.

Our generation thinks nothing of jumping in the car to drive around the block to pick up some groceries. These two walked.

We chuck cheap socks out when they have a hole. Their generation buys good woolen ones and darn them if they wear through.

We grab a quick bite to eat and plonk in front of the tv but they set the table for every meal, with a placemat, side plate, cutlery and a glass. They sit at their little table in their tiny kitchen and they dine.

Younger generations pass the day by working and rushing and telling everyone how 'busy' life is. These spend their time living. Making their garden beautiful, pruning and planting and picking the flowers they've grown. Sharing a cuppa, a bikkie and a chat with one of the many many friends they've made. They wave hello to the neighbours because they know them and write letters to those who no longer live nearby.

My Grandma is a lady and my Grandpa was a true gentleman.

They are a rare and precious generation.

I shall miss him so very much.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Lucas' adventure

Yesterday was Fathers Day here in Australia. Marc bought himself a second hand ride-on lawn mower and he and Lucas were taking turns riding around the yard. Lucas wanted to mow so Marc and I went inside for a cuppa.
I heard Lucas calling "Muuuum" in a tone that no mother wants to hear and this is what I saw...

Yep, that is a STICK piercing my child's chest. It goes all the way in to where his tank top is sitting.
He was pretty freaked out - um actually we all were!
We had to call emergency services as the nearest hospital is 30mins away in the next country town. They were amazing. They sent out an ambulance to stabilise him and they deployed the rescue chopper to air-lift him to Royal Perth Hospital.

Guess who went with him?

Yep, me. (The pilot took the pic and told me to "smile" - can you tell by the clenched hands I wasn't smiling on the inside?) Now guess who suffers REALLY badly with motion sickness?? Me again!
Mind you I was too busy stressing out about my son.....

Choppers are loud, very loud. But we got to Perth very quickly and before I knew it I was in a waiting room and Lucas was off. They x-rayed him to see how far it had gone in and made sure it hadn't hit any vital organs or arteries and then removed the stick.

It had gone in a nice 3-4 inches - good work Lucas.

After quite a few hours in a very busy hospital he was heading home. Wound flushed out and sutured and him pumped with painkillers and anti-biotics.
My wonderful parents had met us in Perth and drove us all the way back home.

Here's the important parts.

As soon as this all happened I knew what to do, stay calm. Call 000, explain clearly, don't panic etc. But I also knew there was a need for something far greater.
Here's where I get bold about my faith in God. I was praying, but I was in 'Mummy' mode so I needed others. I rang my Mum, my best friend in my hometown and a new friend up here. Gave them a brief description and asked for prayer. Within minutes people in both towns were lifting up my son in prayer trusting and believing that nothing had been ruptured or damaged and that he would be healed by the Master Healer.
Our pastors called us from ROME to let us know they were praying and how much they love us.
We were overwhelmed with txt messages and facebook posts supporting and praying for us.

Let me say quite clearly - prayer works. The doctors all told me that "he's a very lucky boy". Any higher and the stick could have gone in his throat, any lower, his heart and any deeper, his lungs.

I am so thankful for God's protection over my family. For His divine blessing on our lives. For His peace that enveloped me all of yesterday.

I am so grateful for loving friends and family who care for us. My parents, Marc's parents, the owners of the pub who gave Mum n Dad a room for the night and refused to charge them (we had no beds), the new friend who bought dinner over for us this afternoon and the one who came bearing chocolates and gifts and hugs tonight.

We feel so loved guys.
Thank you all and Praise Jesus.


Friday, August 31, 2012

A long overdue update!

This is one very neglected blog I must say........

What have we been up to lately - well since I last posted in May?

Winter sports have finally finished - yippee!  It was a rather chilly winter, but in typical Western Australian fashion, a very dry one.
The Avon Descent white water race took place the first weekend of August and it was the driest on record - in some placed the competitors were carrying their boats over the rocks.  I'm not joking.
Two weekends later was the Targa West car rally.  Both of these were super busy days in the bakery.
That's the Toodyay news.

Lucas has been doing paid "work experience" (well that's what I'm calling it on the homeschooling report anyway) on a local farm catching, mulesing, crotching and drenching lambs.  He gets up early every morning and is ready on time, comes home stinking of farm and sheep poo, washes his work clothes and hangs them up on the clothes airer by the fire and crashes in bed early.  It's an awesome adventure for a nearly 15 year old and he was bought home tonight with 5 orphaned lambs that are now going to keep the grass down for a while - until we do something else with them......

Miss Bethany is turning into quite a lovely young lady.  She is 12 now and an absolute delight (ok, so she has her moments.......)  There are times when she is more than happy to sit and read a book or paint or draw and then there are times like tonight when I went looking for her and found her outside with an axe chopping firewood!

Marc is STILL working long long hours 13 days a fortnight!
I have my times where this really gets to me I will admit but it's all good and things will settle down eventually.

We went back to our hometown last weekend for my Dad's 70th birthday.  My brother and his family were down from the Northern Territory so we took the opportunity to have some long overdue family photos - Mum and Dad, us three siblings and all the grandkids.  It was a lovely, although somewhat crammed and rushed weekend.
Whilst down there we signed the paperwork to put our home on the market........  Me being me, I cried.
Big sooky la las I know, but it was hard knowing that all the work and memories we've sown into that home over the past 7 years is going to be enjoyed by someone else.  I got super emotional and sulked a little on the way home (I know, I know - grow up Linda!)

We got home late Sunday night to find the dog missing.......
We called and called but no little white bundle of fluff came.  Emotions were already high and a dead beloved family pet was not what we were prepared for.
Beth opened her bedroom door and Toby came flying out!  He raced outside for some water and escape and left us to deal with the mess of Beth's room - AAAAAARGH!!!!!  He was accidently locked in there ALL weekend!  We have to replace the old manky carpet, the door and some truly awful curtains.....
Little turd is lucky I didn't wring his neck!!!!

We've been here nearly 7 months now and are thinking it's time to get a place of our own.  As much as I'm fond of the beautiful place we are renting, it's time for me to 'nest'.  I want to plant and paint and make something "ours" again.
We had a look at 10 acres of land for sale yesterday and I'm dreaming again.  You know, the little hobby farm, self-sufficient lifestyle, solar passive home, blah blah blah.........
We'll see.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Bakers Wife

What's been happening up here?

Last weekend our little country town came alive and stepped back in time.
The annual Moondyne Festival is celebrated here, a re-enactment of the capture, escape, re-capture and escaping again of Moondyne Joe. (acting the part is none other than the local Real Estate Agent!)

A convict who seemed to be quite the larrakin, stealing sheep, hiding in the bush and who was very skilled at escaping! In fact the last time he was jailed the Governor in Western Australia had a cell made especially secure and swore that if Joe could escape again he would pardon him.... He escaped.

How very Australian to now have a festival in honour of a criminal....

About 70% of the people made the effort to dress in period costume.
I as The Bakers Wife

Also our staff

None of us particularly wanted to dress as floozies or wenches, but others in the town certainly didn't mind!

The 'lady' on the left is usually a very mild mannered librarian!! I don't know the other two but I'm sure their normal day jobs are a lot less raunchy!

It was such a fun day and I love that everyone got into the festivities and dressed up. There were other activities in the town - wood chopping displays, carnival rides, art & craft, cake stalls, oh and a cleavage contest......!

I can honestly say that this Bakers Wife is having a ball. We love it up here and are settling in nicely.
The kids have started winter sports, Beth doing netball and Lucas playing footy. I've joined a few things at church and am loving it.
As I write now, I'm snuggled in my bed with yummy flannelette sheets, watching the sun rise and clear the fog over the hills, listening to the birds calling and singing. I can see my citrus trees ripening their luscious fruits and see my winter vegies being kissed by the morning sun - all the while thanking God for bringing us here.

This move has done wonders for our family; Marc and I are closer and stronger in our marriage he is truly my best friend. The kids are enjoying being kids - hanging tyre swings from Gum trees, making rope swings over the river (and usually falling in and getting muddy). Beth built a teepee out of sticks yesterday and was sitting in it having a ball. They are making friends and so am I.

I'm very grateful God brought me here to be The Bakers Wife.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hiccups and Humility

Well we've been here in this lovely country town for nearly 4 weeks now and boy have some things happened.....
The bakery is going well (a little quite on the really hot days as yet again Western Australia is having heat waves in our "Autumn").
I know only too well the sound of Marc snoring as he is working at least 12-14 hour days....

I've had a few hiccups myself.
To the point where I called Mum in tears last Wednesday.  She jumped on a train and came and stayed for 3 days for me.

I've worked in dentistry for over 2 decades as a therapist/hygienist, cleaning peoples teeth.  Short story is that over these 24 years I've had some problems with my neck, shoulder and right arm.  It went from a dull ache to searing pain overnight just before we moved up here and has been relentless since, including a horrible numbness in my hand.  The local Doctor sent me for ultrasounds, physiotherapy, then a CT scan to find the problem.  It's an hours drive to the radiology clinic so not just a pop into the next suburb.
I called the next day to find out my results and get some answers/direction only to find myself listening to a recorded message letting the town know that literally overnight the local Doctors clinic had closed down........ I'm not kidding!!!
Panic set in.
How the heck do I find out what is wrong?
Who is going to help me?
What on earth am I going to do??
How do I get out of this pain?
H E L P! ! !

She calmed me down, she prayed, she told me what to do and by the end of the day I had seen a Doctor in a neighbouring country town who is sending me straight to a neurosurgeon as I have something wrong with the discs in my neck impinging on my nerves. Praying that I don't need surgery, but so very thankful that Mum was here.  It doesn't matter that I'm turning 42 this week, I needed my Mum.
But mostly I needed what Mum has taught me all my life.
I needed God.

Last week I was leaning totally on my own understanding.

Yesterday I was at church and God reached into the depths of my heart and reminded me to trust HIM.
With all my heart.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Ever really watched your husband at his trade?
Ever gone to work and actually seen what he does day to day?

I met Marc when he was a kiln operator at the brickworks factory and certainly didn't go and watch him bake bricks.
Then about 5 years ago we started our own Handyman Service - doing mostly cleaning, gardening, repairs etc. To be really honest, it wasn't the most romantic of businesses........
He was getting restless, bored and totally exhausted.  Plus the added downfall of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, to get paid by the companies we did jobs for.  It was time for a change.

When Marc was 14 he started his apprenticeship as a Baker/Pastry Cook and worked in the industry for about 20 years, including many years as Bakery Manager in one of the big chain supermarkets.
He always said he'd only go back to baking if he was doing it for himself - not a company.

Well as you all reading this blog know by now - that's exactly what he's doing!
And I for one am so very proud of him.

Making puff pastry

Viennese biscuits

Meat pies of many different varieties

My favourite - mushroom pie (best ever in my opinion!)

Family quiches

Yep - he's been a busy little cookie this week getting ready for tomorrows opening.

I've never seen him in this environment before though, this is all new to me and it's like a fresh look at this awesome man I married.
He's practising his trade, his gift, his passion - and I'm watching along with such respect and admiration.
I'm seeing him in his element and my heart is welling with a new found pride for him.

He's the man!!


Sunday, February 19, 2012


Just a quick update for you all (well those of you who aren't on Facebook or Instagram)
We are here!

We're having problems getting our phone connected, therefore no Internet - so this is from my phone....
We are renting a gorgeous place on 5 acres about 4k out of town on the river.

The verandah looks out over the property - to the 40 odd fruit bearing trees/grape vines, the 2 dams with ducks living on them, a paddock where we will pop some sheep for our freezer (sorry Deb!), the rolling hills, the wildlife, oh I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you......
Let's just say this place is gorgeous.

A new friend came over for a cuppa on Friday with her 5 boys. The kids all went exploring along the river and came back muddy, wet, dirty and HAPPY! Mr 14 said to me later "that was probably one of the best days of my life Mum!"

We did return home last night to this though

A fire along our driveway which was started by sparks from a passing freight train (um, yeah - we did pick a house right next to the rail line....)
But check out this

My son, my hubby and the new neighbour had it under control before the fire brigade got here. This is a pic of Mr 14 using the hose from the truck IN HIS WHITE CRICKET PANTS!!!!
Never mind, the grin on his face is worth it to me!

I'm still unpacking and getting things arranged, we have our mattress on the floor in the lounge as the carpet in our bedroom smells of cat pee (eeeew) but we are here.
Will keep you posted.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Signed and sealed

Well, we've signed the documents, secured a rental to live in, booked a truck to move our 'stuff' and we'll be living up there by the end of this week!

This morning I was having a bit of a stress (of course) then just towards the end of my bible reading I found an old familiar verse;
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You.

I'm fixing my thoughts.


Sunday, February 12, 2012


It's getting real now....

I've packed dozens of boxes and realised that I've only got a few nights left in my lovely home, only a few more meals to cook in my beautiful kitchen, only a few more loads of washing to do in my brand new laundry etc, etc, etc..... Yes, I am a tad attached to my house.

On Friday evening I went out with my workmates for an amazing Asian banquet for Chinese New Year.  A farewell for me was also included at the end, they wished me all the best and I came home with a lovely new watch.  As I hugged and kissed the girls in the carpark I realised that this was now a "Goodbye".

Then today we met some of our nearest and dearest down at my most favourite place in the world (the beachfront) for a farewell.
THAT made it real.
I came home and was a bit grumpy, irritable and snappy.  Hubby told me to stop packing boxes and give him a cuddle (although I didn't want to).
I broke down sobbing like a big sook.

"I'm scared and I'm sad.  And I'm sad and I'm scared"
Lots of tears and sobs and snot (sorry, but this is one of those raw posts)

He hugged me and just let me cry.  I got it all off my chest, to the point where my head aches from crying so much - I think every now and then a jolly good cry is necessary don't you?

One thing that keeps ringing in my ear;
A very special friend of mine hugged me as we left this afternoon and told me how jealous she is.  I said "really?????? Why?"
She said that there have been many opportunities for her and her hubby to do what we are doing - pack up, move out and have an adventure - but fear has held her back and here I am doing what she really wishes she could do.

I totally have to remember this.
I don't want to let fear of the unknown stop or hinder me.  I have a BIG God and He tells me to "fear not".
Deuteronomy 31:8 "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD is the one who goes before you.  He will be with you, He will neither fail you nor forsake you."

I'm still not yet doing a happy dance and my heart is still kind of heavy, but the sadness is fading and the anticipation of what is to come is very slowly dawning...


Friday, February 10, 2012


Great name for a conference (our church had one last year)
Awesome at a green light.
Go forth....


Over the years I've had people come and go in my life.
Fair weather friends have come and gone.  I've lost one or two really good friendships that ended badly.
Hey, I've even been through a divorce......
I just didn't ever think that I would be the one going.

Call me silly, as I know the entire world does not end at the outskirts of my lovely seaside hometown, but I honestly thought that there was no reason to leave.  I know, I know - broaden your horizons Linda!!
My Grandparents live in the same home they built about 64 years ago (married 66 years - so awesome)
My parents live in the same home they bought when I was 6 months old - yep 41 years.
I love my home and - well apart from Marc seriously needing a change of jobs - I could see no reason for us to not follow in the "stay-put" ways of my ancestors.  Only problem with this is that there are two halves of this marriage! Surprise!

I'm getting excited, truly I am. I may be a little less stressed when we actually find a house to live in out in the country - sheesh rentals are scarce out there.
(I could tell you a rather amusing story about the fact that I haven't rented for about 18 years and tried to explain this to a property manager who insisted on wanting rental references from us........... Maybe later!)
I'm up to my eyeballs in packing cardboard boxes and culling anything that has been unused or held onto for too many years - I don't think either of us realised how much stuff we have accumulated over the years.
I'm possibly due for something............?

So aside from a super heavy heart two nights ago (as I strolled along the beachfront after a hot day packing boxes) I think I'm nearly ready to Go.

Maybe my next post will be a bit more meaningful, but I did promise Em that I would blog this whole journey.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

What blesses my heart

Hubby and Mr 14 were playing backyard cricket after dinner tonight whilst Miss 11 was flitting around the garden. End result? She copped a tennis ball to the mouth......

After the usual over reacting, crying and general carrying on and once an ice pack was in place it was time for a cuddle. Seems my lap isn't as comfy as his.
This totally blesses my heart.

Some background - Miss 11 was only 5 weeks old when I found myself raising 2 babes on my own. (I have no intentions of telling too much of that story, just know it bought me a LOT closer to God)
She spent the first few years of her life in a family of 3 - no Dad. I met my hubby at church (wanted to set him up with another single friend!) and we were mates for over a year before I even realised he was 'the one'. Miss 11 was very protective of her Mummy back then and wasn't too sure about this guy - it was cool when he was Mummy's friend, but not a boyfriend. Eeeew!
She found it difficult initially adjusting to not only having a Step-dad, but also having new siblings - going from a family of 3 to one of 7. Let's not mince words here, there were times when she was a right moo cow!

Fast forward 6 years to this.
She calls him Mod - My Other Dad.
They go on lunch dates together and she gives him foot massages for ages (I never get them!)

I love the relationship these two have and I think my hubby is the best Step-dad in the world.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches......

Yes, I know, I didn't post all of my photos from the January Photo a day thingy......
I kind of had other things happening..

Remember this post here ?
Well it's happened.  We've bought a country bakery and we are moving up there in 2 weeks.
Panic anyone?!?!

It's a very long story as to why its taken so long to go through and I'm not going to bore you with the details, just know that God's hand is on it and I'm slowly getting excited.
We have to find somewhere to live out there which is the part that is stressing me out - I'm imagining how 2 adults, 2 kids and a shitzu will go sleeping on the floor of a bakery? Not.

Lessons learned,

* I am a control freak, and this is not always a good thing.

* I've learned that I can trust my husband - see above lesson!

* I have some of the most wonderful friends on this planet, and I won't lose them just by moving an hour and a half away.........

To all of those amazing friends who have let me whinge and cry but also guided, supported and encouraged me - THANK YOU!!  You know who you are.
(One of you suggested I change my blog title to "The Baker's Wife")

I will keep blogging this journey and let you all know how we go.
Pray for us.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Favourite

No question here. This is my favourite.

My gorgeous hubby

This hottie got down on one knee about 6 years ago and told me he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life without me and my children.
How could I say no to that?
He was everything I'd prayed for - someone who would love me and love my kids as his own.
I said yes and so 2 became 1 which then equalled 7 - him and his 3, me and my 2.
That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch!!!

5 and a half years on I love this man more and more everyday. (Ok, so there are days that I love him a little less, but that's marriage right..... Right???)

You are my favourite Marc and I love you.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - what makes you smile

The kids passed their swimming lessons, that made me relieved.
Hubby is away at his parents in the country for a few days, that makes me sleep well.
My vegie patch is chock full of produce, that makes me happy.

What makes me smile?

She does

The giggling gal on the left is my sister.
She cracks me up!
Everything is much funnier with her - jokes are better, silly is sillier and laughs are louder.
She has the most infectious laugh and all around her have to join in.
Yep - this is what make me smile.

I love you Dee.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 - something you wore

Do I post a photo of what I wore today? Heck no!!!!
Second last day of swimming lessons, muggy day swimming and lazing around at the pools = no chance of showing the world me in my bathers - no, no, no.

So here is something I ONCE wore (about 41 years ago)

This lovely 'vintage' number was tucked away with some other precious mementos that Mum has kept over the years. I'm wishing she had brought it out when Miss 11 was a baby though.

Love that my Mum keeps some things. She's certainly not a hoarder, but the precious and meaningful items she stores carefully away.
I'm the opposite - if I don't need it, use it or love it - out it goes. I've had times where I regret letting something go (like a whole storage box of sewing patterns - grrr, kicking myself for that).
Never mind.
Glad that Mum kept this one.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Letterbox

When I saw that today's theme was 'Letterbox/mailbox' I was a bit down... I seriously have the most dull, boring letterbox out and truly didn't want to post a photo of it for all the world to see.
I pondered what to post then popped over to Mum & Dad's for a visit. There it was

My parent's letterbox.
It's been out the front of their home for 41 years. I remember being little and getting excited whenever the postie (mailman) came - maybe he had a letter for ME!!
I remember waiting by it to get picked up for sports and getting dropped off next to it late at night after a teenage night out with friends.
I've sent cards to it, checked it for Mum & Dad whenever they've gone away.
My Great Grandfather wrote many letters delivered to it in his beautiful spidery handwriting. My 87 year old Grandma still sends letters to it.

This is my favourite letterbox - it's home.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Photo a day challenge

I've been rather slack on the blogging lately, but super busy in real life!
Will post some pics of what has been occupying me later.

I'm slightly addicted to Instagram and was inspired to do the January photo a day challenge (I think it was originally set by a blogger, but I discovered it on Instagram). A themed pic every day posted to Instagram or your blog or whatever else you like! For those of my friends on Instagram, I apologise for the doubling up.....
Here goes,

Day 1 - a photo of me, no make up, dripping wet at the pools, with my beloved pulling faces next to me!

Day 2 - breakfast, now I was a little late with this one, so here's a photo of the breakfast dishes.....

Day 3 - something I adore. This was tricky. Do I post hubby? My bible? Jesus? Chocolate? Hmmmm. Then, these 2 were playing so nicely and laughing together after swimming lessons today that it was obvious - they are my blessings and I adore them.
