Last weekend our little country town came alive and stepped back in time.
The annual Moondyne Festival is celebrated here, a re-enactment of the capture, escape, re-capture and escaping again of Moondyne Joe. (acting the part is none other than the local Real Estate Agent!)

A convict who seemed to be quite the larrakin, stealing sheep, hiding in the bush and who was very skilled at escaping! In fact the last time he was jailed the Governor in Western Australia had a cell made especially secure and swore that if Joe could escape again he would pardon him.... He escaped.
How very Australian to now have a festival in honour of a criminal....
About 70% of the people made the effort to dress in period costume.
I as The Bakers Wife

Also our staff

None of us particularly wanted to dress as floozies or wenches, but others in the town certainly didn't mind!

The 'lady' on the left is usually a very mild mannered librarian!! I don't know the other two but I'm sure their normal day jobs are a lot less raunchy!
It was such a fun day and I love that everyone got into the festivities and dressed up. There were other activities in the town - wood chopping displays, carnival rides, art & craft, cake stalls, oh and a cleavage contest......!
I can honestly say that this Bakers Wife is having a ball. We love it up here and are settling in nicely.
The kids have started winter sports, Beth doing netball and Lucas playing footy. I've joined a few things at church and am loving it.
As I write now, I'm snuggled in my bed with yummy flannelette sheets, watching the sun rise and clear the fog over the hills, listening to the birds calling and singing. I can see my citrus trees ripening their luscious fruits and see my winter vegies being kissed by the morning sun - all the while thanking God for bringing us here.
This move has done wonders for our family; Marc and I are closer and stronger in our marriage he is truly my best friend. The kids are enjoying being kids - hanging tyre swings from Gum trees, making rope swings over the river (and usually falling in and getting muddy). Beth built a teepee out of sticks yesterday and was sitting in it having a ball. They are making friends and so am I.
I'm very grateful God brought me here to be The Bakers Wife.